„Le Prince des Mers“ (Princ mora) animirani je film u produkciji Kala Hari Production iz Monaka, prvenstveno namenjen odraslima. Celokupna produkcija filma za globalno tržište i distribuciju urađena je u Srbiji, u dva lokalna studija za animaciju, ILBE Studios i Furuna Crafts Studio, uz podršku Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije.
The film tradition of Novi Sad is an important aspect of the city's cultural life, which has produced several major cinematic names as well as significant domestic cinematographic triumphs. With this selection, we turn to new films made on Novi Sad territory and to authors who have linked their lives and works to our city in order to demonstrate what influences current film history on a local and global scale.
Dokumentarac Milana Nikodijevića „Zima jednog proleća” priča o poznatoj fotografiji mrtvog Jana Palaha, i njenom autoru Predragu Pegi Popoviću, o cenzuri i autocenzuri u turbulentnom vremenu Praškog proleća i vojne intervencije SSSR 1968. u tadašnjoj Čehoslovačkoj. Režija Milan NikodijevićScenario Milan NikodijevićProdukcija Štap i kanap Production, u koprodukciji sa ArbosUloge Predrag Pega Popović, Goran Marković, Srđan Karanović, Rajko Grlić, Lordan […]
„Le Prince des Mers“ (Princ mora) animirani je film u produkciji Kala Hari Production iz Monaka, prvenstveno namenjen odraslima. Celokupna produkcija filma za globalno tržište i distribuciju urađena je u Srbiji, u dva lokalna studija za animaciju, ILBE Studios i Furuna Crafts Studio, uz podršku Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije.
Concerns about the environment have never been becoming more important than they are today. The modern era is associated with plenty of environmental issues, with which every corner of the globe is struggling. As a result, the selection of eco-films represents a contribution to raising awareness about one of the most challenging problems of the twenty-first century through the lens of short and long films, with which we hope to demonstrate that we can care for the future of our planet in every sphere, through various activities, and in a creative way.WWF Adria is this year's eco selection partner.
While we follow the most significant current film achievements of filmmakers from all over the world, we need to remember those who shaped the history of the seventh art. These directors revolutionized the world of film and the world beyond it, so we dedicate this selection to film art innovators and symbols. This year, we will be seeing on the big screen the most famous works of Jean-Luc Godard, a representative of the French New Wave and an eminent critic of French cinematography. Godard is known as one of the world's most revolutionary filmmakers. He used his films to reflect his ideas on history, politics, philosophy, and other topics, and he impacted many international directors, including Tarantino, Scorsese, Jarmusch, and Wenders.
Do poslednjeg daha (fr. À bout de souffle) bio je prvi dugometražni rad Žan-Lika Godara i jedan od najranijih, najuticajnijh filmova Francuskog Novog talasa. Film je privukao veliku pažnju zbog smelog vizuelnog stila i inovativne upotrebe džamp-kata (jump-cut).
In the desire to take their first significant steps into the world of film with their eyes wide open, we bring animated films, workshops, and other content adapted to different ages to the youngest viewers. The children's program aims to catch the attention and previously unknown affinities of curious viewers, who are typically most difficult critics. We tried to create a new environment for small people and future great innovators through the selection of films and the associated program. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, WWF Adria, Furuna Crafts, Ilbe Studios, and MultiMost Fest are this year's partners for the children's selection.
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Those who made a significant contribution to both national and international cinematography received special prizes at the Novi Sad Film Festival.
Actress Mirjana Mira Banjac is this year's Novi Sad Film Festival laureate for contribution to national cinema, making her a symbol of domestic cinema. Mira is a member of the original cast of performers, having graduated in 1950 from Novi Sad's State Acting School. Even though she continued to participate in theater, Mira began to focus on film and television in the mid-1960s. Since then, she has played iconic roles in a number of films, including “Beach Guard in Winter,” “Do You Remember Dolly Bell?” “The Elusive Summer of ‘68,” “The Balkan Spy,” “Majstori, majstori,”. During a career spanning more than seven decades, Mira Banjac won the biggest awards and recognitions. The award was received on her behalf by her grandson, Srđan Apić. Mirjana Mira Banjac. Mira pripada prvoj generaciji glumaca koji su završili Državnu glumačku školu u Novom Sadu 1950. godine. Od sredine 60-ih, iako još uvek aktivna u pozorištu, Mira okrenula se filmu i televiziji i od tada do danas, nižu se njene legendarne uloge, kao što su one u filmovima Čuvar plaže u zimskom periodu, Sjećaš li se Doli Bel, Varljivo leto ’68, Balkanski špijun, Majstori, majstori i brojne druge. Tokom karijere duge više od sedam decenija, Mira Banjac je osvojila najveće nagrade i priznanja. Nagradu je u njeno ime primio unuk Srđan Apić.
Hollywood actor John Savage was the Novi Sad film festival's foreign laureate and special guest. When he made his Broadway debut in the 1970s in the musical Fiddler on the Roof, he was noticed by the famous Robert De Niro. This led to Savage landing one of the most important parts of his career in the Academy Award–winning picture The Deer Hunter. Following that, he appeared in the films Hair, The Godfather III, and the extremely popular television shows Dark Angel and Twin Peaks.